It is one of the cacti with the greatest number of persistent enthusiasts. Astrophytum asterias is particularly popular because of the large number of varieties and the ease of both hybridisation and seed production. The lack of thorns is considered one of the reasons for its popularity. As a garden product, brocade and V-arrow type…
Monthly Archives: July 2023
One genus and one species of cactus, so majestic and dignified is its appearance that it is known as the ‘TEIKAN’. This is a very rare cactus and one of the most popular cacti, partly because of its beautiful rosette shape. Habitat Obregonia denegrii is a very rare cactus, found only in a very small…
Gymnocalycium is one of the most robust species to manage. It is a cool and varied species with a very good balance of both ornamental and collecting value. Origin Derived from the Greek ‘gymnòs’ (naked) and ‘càlyx’ (calyx), referring to the calyx of a flower which is ‘naked’ as it has no protective scales or…
Habitat Usually grows on vertical limestone cliffs. It is endemic to two remote small areas in the Nuevo León region of north-eastern Mexico. It is endangered in its habitat due to illegal collection and natural erosion of slopes. Habitat ranges from 800 to 1200 metres above sea level and appears to prefer north-facing slopes to…
Copiapoa cinerea is known as the ‘white cactus’ and is arguably the most popular cactus in Japan. Individuals with particularly white skin and pitch-black spines fetch high prices. Synonym Below are synonyms for the name Copiapoa cinerea Copiapoa cinerea. Copiapoa cinerea var. cinerea Copiapoa cinerea var. tenebrosa Copiapoa tenebrosa Echinocactus cinereus Origin The name Copiapoa…
The word ‘Cactus’ derives from the Greek word ‘Kàktos’. The term was used by Theophrastus in his book HistoriaPlantarum to describe ‘unknown thorny plants’. The term ‘Cactus’ was subsequently adopted by the renowned botanist Linneo to define the American thorny plant. The term has since been discontinued and the term ‘Cactus’ is now used colloquially…
The items on the Woocommerce My Account page vary depending on the products handled and the site they are on. For example, if you want to hide the ‘Dashboard’ and ‘Downloads’ items, you can achieve this by doing the following. Write the following code in the ‘functions.php’ file. // shoptab add_filter ( ‘woocommerce_account_menu_items’, ‘misha_remove_my_account_links’ );…