How to save rewriting links.WordPress

If you are building multiple WordPress sites, you face the problem of having to ‘rewrite URLs’ when duplicating them.

The following code is recommended to solve this problem before it happens.

Please describe it in the theme’s ‘functions.php’ file.

/* Description in functions.php */
add_shortcode('url', 'shortcode_url');
function shortcode_url() {
return get_bloginfo('url');
add_shortcode('tdir', 'tmp_dir');
function tmp_dir() {
return get_template_directory_uri();
add_shortcode('cdir', 'child_dir');
function child_dir() {
return get_stylesheet_directory_uri();

If the above is done,・・・Used to describe links within a page.
[tdir]・・・Used to reference images in the theme file (parent theme).
[cdir]・・・Used to reference images in theme files (child themes).

This can be used in the form of.

CDN Security Speed

DNS configuration with Cloudflare.Set up bombastic DNS for a more comfortable IT life.

DNS configuration with Cloudflare not only speeds up browser start-up, but also contributes to improved security. Please give it a try. 1. ​​ family oriented.2.1. ​​Blocks malware.2.2. ​​Blocks malware and adult content. is Cloudflare’s public DNS resolver.It...

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The key points are sun, wind, water and soil! How to grow succulents.

Succulents are very easy to grow compared to other plants. There are four simple points. Maintain in a sunny location. Maintain in a well-ventilated area. Water when the soil is dry. Plant in well-drained soil. As long as the above...

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Code Web Without Plugin

The one you write in wp-config.php for now.

define( 'WP_DEBUG', false ); ini_set('display_errors','Off'); define('ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS', true); define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '100000000000000000000M'); define( 'WPMS_ON', true );

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Frecer Sponsorship applications are now open!

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Code Web Without Plugin Wordpress

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Implement dark mode in WordPress.No plugin is required. 1. 1.JavaScript description.2. 2.Css description.3. 3.HTML description. 1.JavaScript description. Put the following js code in the header. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const toggleButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-mode'); toggleButtons.forEach(function(button) { button.addEventListener('click', function() { const currentMode =...

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I want to assign ‘parent’ and ‘child’ to attributes in Woocommerce!How to enable without plug-ins.

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Without plugins!How to use syntax highlighting Prism.js.|WordPress

In this article, we will show you how to implement syntax highlighting in WordPress without using a plugin. Syntax highlighting is often used to display source code on websites and blog sites. This website has adopted “Prism.js” after various trials....

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Code Web Wordpress

How to save rewriting links.WordPress

If you are building multiple WordPress sites, you face the problem of having to ‘rewrite URLs’ when duplicating them. The following code is recommended to solve this problem before it happens. Please describe it in the theme’s ‘functions.php’ file. /*...

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Code Web Without Plugin Wordpress

Without plugins!How to display a blog card with internal and external link support.|WordPress

Learn how to display blog cards in WordPress without using a plugin. Plug-in non-use has various advantages, such as reducing server load and maintaining site display speed. WordPress has a large variety of plugins, but you want to customise it...

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What is a cactus. Origin and characteristics of ‘Cactos’ [1].

The word ‘Cactus’ derives from the Greek word ‘Kàktos’. The term was used by Theophrastus in his book HistoriaPlantarum to describe ‘unknown thorny plants’. The term ‘Cactus’ was subsequently adopted by the renowned botanist Linneo to define the American thorny...

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