Change Table Prefix plugin for changing WordPress database prefixes (prefixes).

If you want to enhance the security of WordPress, you need to change the database table prefixes.

If you want to make simple and quick changes after installation, this plugin is the one to choose.

Change Table Prefix

Light, fast and intuitive.

Be sure to change “$table_prefix = ‘○○○○○○○○’;” in the “wp-config.php” file after the change.


Obregonia denegrii.

One genus and one species of cactus, so majestic and dignified is its appearance that it is known as the ‘TEIKAN’. This is a very rare cactus and one of the most popular cacti, partly because of its beautiful rosette...

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How to live longer.

1. Don’t Cigarette.2. Moderate exercise.3. Nutritious and balanced diet.4. Maintaining a healthy weight.5. Good quality sleep.6. Avoid stress.7. Conclusion. Don’t Cigarette. There are several best ways to live longer, but if asked to choose just one, ‘don’t smoke’, say researchers....

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How to unzip a zip file in the server.

Assume the file you want to unzip is ‘’. 1. 1:Upload the zip file you want to unzip.2. 2:Creating and uploading unzip.php.3. 2:Access unzip.php.4. 3:Deployment of zip.5. 4:Finish. 1:Upload the zip file you want to unzip. Upload the zip file...

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Code Speed Web Without Plugin Wordpress

Without Plugin!No plug-ins! How to implement a table of contents.|WordPress

Learn how to implement a table of contents in WordPress without using a plugin. This method does not use JQuery and is also the implementation method introduced on this website. It takes less time and man-hours, if you like. The...

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What is a cactus. Origin and characteristics of ‘Cactos’ [1].

The word ‘Cactus’ derives from the Greek word ‘Kàktos’. The term was used by Theophrastus in his book HistoriaPlantarum to describe ‘unknown thorny plants’. The term ‘Cactus’ was subsequently adopted by the renowned botanist Linneo to define the American thorny...

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Frecer Sponsorship applications are now open!

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for Frecer sponsorship. Sponsor We offer a variety of plans and special offers. The funds you support will help to realise a number of projects. We sincerely look forward...

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Code Speed Web Wordpress

Without plugins!Contact Form 7 How to load js and css only on specified pages.|WordPress

Learn how to make ContactForm7 js and css load only on specified pages in WordPress without using a plugin. Normally, when ContactForm7 is installed, js and css are loaded on every page, which slows down the display speed, but this...

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Agave victoriae-reginae ‘Sasanoyuki’

1. Basic Information.1.1. Scientific name1.2. Family name1.3. Genus name1.4. Species name1.5. Country of origin1.6. Habitat1.7. Morphology1.8. Mature tree1.9. Cold hardy1.10. Heat tolerant1.11. Sunshine1.12. Flour color1.13. Flowering period Basic Information. Scientific name Agave victoria-regina Family name Asparagaceae Genus name Agave Species...

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Emigration Environment

The sinking of Japan is real! Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama and Ibaraki are mostly sinking (Chiba becoming an island). Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Okinawa, etc. are also expected to sink. Antarctic ice (fresh water) will melt due to warming and boiling. Emigrate and move capital cities as soon as possible.

The world is now moving past ‘warming’ and into ‘boiling’. It is said that if the freshwater Antarctic ice melts away, sea level would rise by about 60 metres (the height of a 20-storey building), and simulations show that most...

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Copiapoa cinerea var. cinerea

Copiapoa cinerea is known as the ‘white cactus’ and is arguably the most popular cactus in Japan. Individuals with particularly white skin and pitch-black spines fetch high prices. 1. Synonym2. Origin3. Habitat4. Description5. Farming6. Way of increasing Synonym Below are...

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